
Knock with Vigor


Went on an early morning walk.
From this morning...

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Found this article by Ed Cullen in this morning's paper amazing.

Hawkinses remember origins of Hilltop Arboretum

Julia and Murray “Buddy” Hawkins are in their early 90s, rarely run the air conditioner in the house they built themselves in University Acres in 1949, and joke about how hard of hearing they’ve become.

The note under the knocker on the front door reads, “Use door knocker and knock with vigor.”

Murray Hawkins pads around the house, recovering from bypass surgery. “I’m feeling better than I have in a long time,” said the former head of what was called the LSU Petroleum Engineering Department.

Photo: French windows and doors provide cross ventilation in the house Julia and Murray Hawkins built in the late 1940s.

Read the rest of the article

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing picture Amy!!