
Gustav Morning...

It's 7 a.m.. I thought I would wake up to it being a lot worse outside and maybe no electricity. Currently, it's drizzling and kind of windy, but not horrible yet. Made espresso, which became a huge iced caramel latte and the cats and I are about to go watch the TV to see what has developed with the storm overnight.

Last night I had to take down all the bird feeders and the hummingbird feeders. I felt bad this morning when I went out to feed the two kitties who won't come inside (but should be safe under the house), to see the yard so empty of feeders. I just hope all the birds know what to do and have taken cover somewhere smart (especially the little hummingbirds...they are soo tiny). And I really hope the raccoons know what to do and don't come flying out of the trees when the winds start. I haven't seen Igor in a few days and I am hoping he is safe.

I just wish I had an ark.


Pirata said...

I just found your blog a few months ago and really enjoy reading about your life and loves (I really admire your dedication to feral cat rescue). I was relieved when the storm was downgraded for so many reasons but also because of your posts here. Glad everything is holding tight.

TBG said...

Amy... hope you are all OK. I'll be looking for you to check back in here soon.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Ms. Shutt. I am enjoying my recent purchases from day-lab and just wanted to see how you and other folks in Baton Rouge are faring. I'm trying to "learn to blog" but I'm afraid the technology is confusing!
Anyway, I do enjoy reading some blogs and hope one day soon to do some writing of my own.
Love your jewelry and accessories.
Take care. Hurricane season can be trying!