
This Past Year: Photos


This afternoon I was getting all my documents and receipts rounded up so I can get my taxes done, and in my file cabinet I found several packs of photos from this past year that I decided to go ahead and scan. Here are some of them...


I also found a few of Bailey. I still have a hard time looking at photos of her.
They still make me cry for some reason.
But..I love this particular one a lot and I am going to keep it out on my desk.
It was taken on the steps at the apartment with the Lomo, not long before we moved here.

I still miss her everyday..and I guess that will never pass.


But..one wonderful thing about this past year was the fact that we gained three family members (all within about 2 months time too). I am so thankful and grateful that they are with us everyday.

*You can view the BIG versions of these photos over HERE*


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