
Estate Sale Finds


If Estate Sale Finds was a competition, my daughter would have won over and over again today. She has an incredible eye.

We are about to start working on her room. We are basically starting from scratch, as she has outgrown the Annie and Wizard of Oz prints and more babyish decorations I suppose.

She would like a pink room with prints/artwork and other room decor featuring old fairy tale type images (I bought her the Grimm Brothers Collection awhile back, and she fell in love with the stories and the artwork).

So, with that being said, here are her finds from some garage sales we hit this morning.

6 piece set of Melamine Snack Plates! I fuss and say, "Don't use my good plastic!" when I see her grabbing for my Watertown Melamine Plates/Cups, which she thinks is just ridiculous. So she said today, these would be her good plastic plates:


A red and white Anchor Hocking Fire King bowl that she will use in her room as a jewelry dish, and a really nice chalkware wall hanging:


This really amazing 1930s/40s decal that she wants framed for her room:


Tenniel's Alice, which features beautiful drawings of Alice and friends. We thought we could enlarge, copy, and frame some of them for her room:


Aesop's Fables...which also has really nice drawings in black and in color. Same as above, we would like to use these for artwork in her room:


And, my finds:

3 old ceiling light fixture shades. These are soooo heavy I am afraid to actually use them:


Rich and dark wood frames and artwork for my room:


And my best find to date, b/c I am in love with old steel kitchen cabinets and have never understood why they no longer are made. This is a wall unit, in almost perfect condition. It was only $5.00 and I think the lady was really happy that I bought it. It measures 3 feet in length:

I think I want to attach legs or casters to it and make it a sideboard/short hutch type of storage piece for the Living Room.

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