I can't believe it's already May.
April was a very busy month I think...it just sorta flew by.
Recent happenings..
1.) Apartment Therapy posted a neat little write up on my bedroom today.
I am flattered (thank you, Shayna!) and it was just what I needed to get me back on track with all the projects waiting in line over here. It also made me realize how much I really do like my finished bedroom. It has been years since I have had a bedroom that I actually enjoyed being in, aside from when I am asleep.

See the whole post HERE.
2.) I found my daughter the best little portable typewriter (a manual laptop, if you will). She writes a lot and she wanted something she could take with her anywhere she goes. We both thought a typewriter would be great, if we could find a decent one.
This is a 1972 Webster (Brother) XL-747 in perfect condition with all the original instructions etc. It is heavy sturdy metal in blue, which we just adore (and we love the wood grain bit too).

I like hearing the typing and dings coming from upstairs while I am downstairs working, in lieu of the hum of a computer.
3.) The Garage Bed in the backyard has exploded. A few months ago, I planted a mix of seeds and bulbs specifically for the birds and butterflies (for the summer months). Most are warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows. This past week the first few bloomed...some Lilies, Nasturtium, and Lantana.

Some of the sunflower and coneflower stalks, which haven't bloomed yet, are already my height.
4.) Pearl on the porch today...refusing to come back inside.

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